Our threat analysis service involves meticulous research to assess risks and vulnerabilities associated with a venue and audience. We consider potential adversaries and attack profiles using global experience to determine specific venue vulnerabilities. Although venue dependent, we typically complete site assessments within 48 hours and subsequent research within 72 hours.
Our security assessment service evaluates the appropriateness of venue security measures considering the level and nature of threats. We measure the effectiveness of controls in terms of deterrence, detection, delay, denial, response, and recovery, using a variety of assessment mechanisms most appropriate to the client.
Our security solutions service encompasses a range of strategies, including mechanical measures (e.g., locks and surveillance), organisational measures (e.g., policies and patrols), and natural/architectural measures (e.g., space design)to create a layered security solution for your critical assets.
Our capacity building service develops and strengthens the skills, policies, and resources that organisations need to thrive in a rapidly changing commercial environment. This includes operational planning and decision-making workshops for those empowered with implementation of contingency plans.
Our Crisis Management service involves the development of crisis management plans to coordinate responses with first responders. We evaluate plans and procedures using tabletop exercises with scenario-driven tests for senior management to refine and rehearse coordinated responses effectively.
Our assurance service evaluates security risk, including counter-terrorism planning through plan reviews. Often in response to emerging threats or increased vulnerability to identify contingency deficits. Our consultants will mentor clients to address identified deficiencies through the preparation of remedial work plans and workshops. All risk management procedures are compliant to ISO 31000 specification.
Our penetration testing service is available to clients demanding greater assurance of existing plans. Typically, this will incorporate manual testing of physical, mechanical and natural measures, often with contraband items, providing critical insights into security vulnerabilities and weaknesses.